Coggno Course of the Day

COGGNO COURSE OF THE DAY – Week of November 2nd

Use Coupon Code: OCT5-SAVE25 (valid from 10/30 to 11/7) Human Resources (Monday):Controlled Substances & Alcohol Testing for Safety Sensitive functions Special Discounted Price = $21.75 (25% discount) This course is designed to interactively engage safety sensitive function employees to learn the general way that a Drug & Alcohol testing program works. […]

COGGNO COURSE OF THE DAY – Week of October 5th

Use Coupon Code: OCT1-SAVE25 (valid from 10/02 to 10/10) Human Resources (Monday):Wage and Hour Special Discounted Price = $22.50 (25% discount) A vital topic, considering the potential for a devastating class-action overtime, off-the-clock, or other pay practice lawsuit. What does exempt mean and why are certain employees exempt? Exemptions for […]

COGGNO COURSE OF THE DAY – Week of September 28th

Use Coupon Code: SEPT4-SAVE25 (valid from 09/25 to 10/03) Human Resources (Monday):Hiring Course Special Discounted Price = $22.50 (25% discount) Train your team on how to hire the best applicants without creating legal headaches: -Preparing for the interview -Questions supervisors can’t ask -Linking questions to the position’s requirements -Minimizing distractions […]