COGGNO COURSE OF THE DAY – Week of September 8th

Software (Monday): Microsoft Project 2010 Beginners/Intermediate Training @ $45.00 

Microsoft Project 2010 Beginners/Intermediate Training

Are you new to Microsoft Project 2010? Do you need to learn how to use Microsoft Project and keep track of all your projects? During the Learn Microsoft Project 2010 video training course, your professional trainer guides you through project management topics such as task creation, resource management, cost tracking, using WBS codes, critical path reporting, and more. Ideal for those seeking Microsoft Project 2010 training or anyone looking to enhance their Project knowledge, the Learn Microsoft Project 2010 training course provides 9 full hours of expert quality training videos. Discover the building blocks of a project. Start with information gathering and documentation, and when you feel comfortable with that, move on to the basics of tasks and resources. Get detailed step-by-step guidance on how to assign and allocate resources. Learn to document a project as you go by properly defining costs and adding notes—enabling full traceability.


Marketing & Social Media (Tuesday): Facebook Marketing For Small Businesses @ $97.00

Facebook Marketing For Small Businesses

Everything you need to know from start to finish about Facebook Marketing For Your Business (Theory & Hands-On Training)


Human Resources (Wednesday): Stop Sexual Harassment for Supervisors – National Course @ $25.00

Stop Sexual Harassment

Stop Sexual Harassment: Interactive Training for Supervisors explains the various forms of workplace sexual harassment, the consequences for both the employer and the supervisor, and how to identify and stop it. It features real-world scenarios, interactive quizzes, and commentary from engaging and authoritative employment law attorneys.


Health (Thursday): Successful Weight Management Course @ $19.00

Successful Weight Management Course

This session will cover some simple steps you can take to manage your weight successfully. If you’re just at the right weight now, these strategies and tips can help you maintain a healthy weight as you age. If you’re a little overweight, what you learn today can help you lose weight and keep it off.


Wildcard! (Friday): I. Writing Better Requirements in Plain English @ $79.00

Writing Better Requirements in Plain English

Requirements define the future. They express conditions that their author expects the future to fulfill. Unfortunately, the word “requirement” has become a four-letter-word in many organizations, particularly when the requirements define a future Information Technology (IT) application. The reason? Nearly every independently executed, root-cause analysis of IT project problems and failures in the past half-century have identified “misunderstood or incomplete requirements” as the primary cause. This has made requirements the bane of many projects. The real problem is the subtle differences between “understanding” someone else’s requirement and “sharing a common understanding” with the author.

“Writing Better Requirements in Plain English” gives you a set of 3 simple rules that will make your requirement statements more easily understood by all target audiences. The focus is to increase the “common understanding” between the author of a requirement and the solution providers (e.g., in-house or outsourced IT designers, developers, analysts, and vendors).

This course is the first in a series of three that will dramatically reduce the failure rate of projects suffering from poor requirements. Regardless of your job title or role, if you are tasked with communicating your future needs to others, this course will help.  It is interactive (includes exercises with instant feedback), instructionally designed (based on modern learning theory), and “intellimated™” (uses animated visuals with an accompanying audio track) to hold your interest and increase retention.

Take advantage of our partnership with Coggno – the internet’s leading provider of corporate online training – and find the training your employees need directly from our website.

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