COGGNO’S COURSES OF THE WEEK – Week of August 29th


Use Coupon Code:  AUG4-SAVE30 (valid from 8/26 to 9/4)


Monday: Connecting with Customers Course
Special Discounted Price = $16.10 (30% discount)

Employees will be able to understand the importance of connecting with customers, identify effective methods for making good connections, and communicate well to ensure successful connection with customers.

Tuesday: Handling Customer Complaints Course
Special Discounted Price = $ 16.10 (30% discount)

Effective complaint handling is one of the most important aspects of providing excellent service. The objective of this online training course is to help trainees handle customer complaints successfully.

Wednesday: Turning Satisfied Customers Into Repeat Customers Course
Special Discounted Price = $ 16.10 (30% discount)

This online employment training course is to emphasize the importance of repeat customers and suggest ways to build long-lasting relationships with clients. Trainees will be able to describe repeat customers, identify what makes them come back, understand their importance, employ strategies that turn satisfied customers into repeat customers.

Thursday: How to Maintain Customer Loyalty Course
Special Discounted Price = $ 16.10 (30% discount)

This course helps to recognize the value of loyal customers, understand how to build and maintain loyalty, identify and meet customer expectations, and provide superior service that generates loyalty.

Friday: Identifying Customers’ Needs Course
Special Discounted Price = $ 16.10 (30% discount)

The objective of this training course is help trainees identify and meet customers’ needs, an important step in creating loyal customers. Trainees will be able to recognize the importance of correctly identifying customers’ needs, ask the right questions to accurately identify needs, identify and take advantage of cross-selling opportunities, and present products, services, and solutions that meet customers’ needs.

Saturday: Customer Service Excellence Video Module (Course)
Special Discounted Price = $ 13.30 (30% discount)

An interactive 10-minute video module, this will show you why customer service is fundamental in providing the best experience for your customers. It will also explain ways to ensure top level service is provided and tips and techniques for doing so.

Sunday: Difficult Customer Techniques (Course)
Special Discounted Price = $ 13.30 (30% discount)

This 10-minute interactive video module will look at how to effectively manage difficult customers and situations and ensure we don’t lose them as a customer by looking at the following areas: New techniques and ideas on managing difficult customers.

Take advantage of our partnership with Coggno – the internet’s leading provider of corporate online training – and find the training your employees need directly from our website.

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